- all female cabin crew, all decent looking, none over 35, w/ permasmiles
- attentive service
- decent (free) food
- personal AVOD systems
- immaculate cabin
An Asian airline!
I had a great flight on ANA from San Francisco to Narita.
Here's part of the crew pre-flight:
Service w/ a smile! Is it that hard?!?
Here's the first meal from on the flight (one of two full meals served):
Braised eel, cold soba noodles, smoked duck, and Haagen-Dazs ice cream (not pictured). Choice of beverages included complimentary beer and wine. Not bad for an economy class meal!
During the flight, I watched Angels & Demons, In America, and part of State of Play.
When booking this trip, I specifically requested an Asian carrier, otherwise, I probably would have been booked on United. The service experience on Asian airlines is generally light years ahead of US airlines.